foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner
of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats
Cheating with Fair Dice
We will first devote our attention to the means of cheating with
fair dice; and the reader will learn that the thing which may have
appeared to him as being difficult of accomplishment is really a
very simple matter indeed. This branch of the art is known to its
professors as 'securing,' and consists of a plan of retaining certain
dice. One is held against the inside edge of the box, whilst the
other is allowed to fall freely into it. In this way one of the
dice is not shaken at all, and falls on the table in the same position
as it previously occupied. In order that this may be accomplished
satisfactorily, it is necessary to use a suitable dice-box; therefore,
we will inspect one of the kind generally used by professional dice-players
in this country. Before proceeding further, however, it may be as
well to inform the reader that the information here given, with
regard to dice and their manipulation, has been had upon the authority
of one of the leading English sharps, and may be said to fairly
represent the present state of the science.
FIG. 47
The dice-box referred to above is illustrated in section in fig. 47.
It is simply the usual form, with the interior corrugated to insure
the thorough turning about of the dice. The only preparation in connection
with it is that the flat inside rim or lip, marked 'A' in the figure,
is roughened by rubbing it with coarse glass-paper. This gives it
a kind of 'tooth,' which prevents the dice from slipping when they
are 'secured' against it.
A box of this kind being to hand, nothing further in the way of
apparatus is required for the operation of securing. All else depends
entirely upon practice. As the dice are taken from the table one
of them is secured, and the others are thrown into the box. An expert
will use three dice, securing one and letting the others go, but
it requires some skill to pick up three dice in the proper manner
and without fear of dropping them all. Therefore a novice will use
only two. The process is carried out as follows:
The dice are laid upon the table side by side. The one farthest
from the operator is placed with the ace uppermost, consequently
the six is upon the face which lies on the table. This is the die
which is about to be secured. The first two fingers of the right
hand are now laid flat upon the dice, and between these two fingers
the dice are taken up by their right-hand edges.
FIG. 48
They are now pushed well home by the thumb:
FIG. 49
The die nearest the operator is now allowed to fall into the dice-box,
whilst the other is retained:
The box is next taken in the right hand, the fingers lying flat
over the mouth of it, and the thumb holding it at the bottom.
FIG. 51
In the act of closing the ringers of the right hand over the box,
the die which has been retained is firmly pressed between the second
finger and the inside edge of the box. In this position it is completely
hidden by the forefinger, and is there held whilst the box is shaken.
If the forefinger were raised the die would appear situated in this
FIG. 52
The sharp, however, is particularly careful not to raise his forefinger;
that is not 'in the piece' at all. The secured is heard to rattle
within it. Finally, the hand is turned round so that the mouth of
the box is downwards and the backs of the fingers rest upon the
FIG. 53
After the box has thus been turned upside down, then comes the
crucial point of the whole operation. If the fingers are not carefully
removed the secured die will not fall upon the face intended. The
proper method of 'boxing' the dice upon the table is to remove the
fingers in the following order. Firstly, the second and third fingers
are opened, allowing the loose die to fall upon the table. Then
the first and second fingers are gently opened, easing the secured
die, as it were, into its position of rest. Lastly, the forefinger
is moved to the edge of the box, at the same time withdrawing the
second finger entirely, and the box is let down over the two dice.
It is immediately lilted up and the score is recorded. There is
nothing at all suspicious in any of these movements; they are quite
the usual thing, or appear so when quickly performed, the only difference
between the genuine shake and the false being the retention of the
one die. Of course, it is necessary that the entire operation should
occupy the least possible time, the hands being kept somewhat low
and the dupe seated upon the right-hand side of the operator.
The secured die naturally falls with the six uppermost, whilst the loose one cannot show less than one. Therefore the sharp cannot throw
less than seven with two dice. That is the lowest score possible for him to make, whilst the dupe may throw only 'two.' Now, in an infinite
number of throws with two dice 'seven' is the number of pips which will be the average for each throw. Sometimes, of course, only two pips
will be thrown; sometimes both sixes will come uppermost, making twelve pips together. But with one die secured in such a manner as to fall
six, the average of an infinite number of throws is necessarily very much increased, because it is impossible to throw less than seven. The
chances of the two players bear no comparison, and the dupe is bound to be beaten. For instance, the chances of throwing twelve by the player
who secures one die are as one to six that is to say, they are six to one against him, whilst the chances against the player who goes to work
fairly are thirty-five to one. This will serve to give the reader some idea of the value of one secured die out of two in use.