An Exposure of the Secrets of Cheating
at Games of Chance and Skill
A Classic of Gambling Literature

The original book Sharps and Flats does not have a foreword. This
foreword was added here, to this online edition, for the benefit
of our readers.
Sharps and Flats is one of the most important gambling books of
the late 19th century. It became an instant classic on the day of
its publication and remains a much desired item for collectors of
antique gambling paraphernalia, especially for collectors of crooked
gambling with an interest for card cheating. Although this work
was intended to expose various gambling scams, for the purpose of
educating gamblers and card players, for their own protection, this
book was undoubtedly used by card cheats looking for information.
The most famous illustration in the book Sharps and Flats is a
plate entitled The Detection of Kepplinger. This illustration appears
at the front of the book, right next to the title page.

The Detection of Kepplinger
We hope you will enjoy reading this classic of gambling literature.