The internet is flooded with junk gambling sites. In an attempt to find quality gambling sites one has to look through thousands of banner farms and spam networks that plague the internet. However, for the benefit of our readers we offer a listing of gambling sites that we think are worthy of being listed in a gambling directory. A few of the sites on this list are our own, but most of them are simply sites that we like and recommend. We hope you enjoy browsing.
To assure fairness, all sites appear listed in alphabetical order.
General Gambling and Gaming Sites:
Alspach's Mathematics & Poker Page -- Brian Alspach, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics, provides essential math for Poker.
CARDSHARK Online -- The oldest online resource on card cheating and crooked gambling.
CARDSHARK Online Blog -- The official blog of CARDSHARK Online with weekly articles about gambling.
Cardshark.TV -- The place to upload your own gambling-related videos.
CASINOVILLE gambling comics -- Some gambling humor can be found on this illustrated and animated site.
Faro King -- Faro Cards and equipment for frontier gamblers, faro dealers, saloon and riverboat dealers.
Knights of the Green Cloth -- Frontier gamblers, card sharps, faro dealers, saloon and riverboat swindlers from America's Old West.
Gamblers Book Club -- Gamblers Book Club offers thousands of books, software, videos and audios on all gambling topics. The oldest and largest book shop of its kind; since 1964.
Gambling Collectibles -- Devoted to gambling collectibles that were often found under the counter or used in the back rooms of retail and social establishments.
Gambling and the Law -- The official web site of Professor I. Nelson Rose, recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on gambling law.
National Center for Irresponsible Gambling -- A parody gambling site.
-- An online resource for rules of card games from around the world.
Playing Cards Online -- Online collection of playing cards and rules of card games from all over the world. -- Top ten Las Vegas tips, plus our How-to-Gamble guide.
Victorian Casino Antique Auction -- Auction for gambling antiques adn collectibles
Wichita Faro -- Play a free online faro card game, and step into the historic Old West (requires Flash plug-in).
Wizard of Odds -- The Wizard of Odds offers the mathematically-correct strategies for every casino game for both land and online casinos. The site has over 600 pages of expert advice. In short, the Wizard is the most respected gambling math authority on the planet.
Wizard of Macau -- A sister site of the Wizard of Odds, ran by Michael Shackleford, dealing with math issues specific to casino games in Macau.

Crime and Punishment:
Blackjack Scams -- See how suckers can get cheated at blackjack.
Bustout Dealer: Crooked Blackjack Parties -- A site promoting a unique form of entertainment, that consists of a live demonstration of various blackjack scams, while people participate by betting play money.
Crimes of Persuasion -- In-depth fraud coverage of computer crimes such as pyramid schemes make this crime library of internet crimes the cyber crime location for the schemes and scams that con artists perpetrate.
Frauds, Scams and Con Games -- A site exposing various frauds and scams.
J.N. Maskelyne and 'Theosophy Exposed' -- A detailed biography of John Nevil Maskelyne, the author of Sharps and Flats, by Emma-Louise Rhodes.

Blackjack Resources: -- How to win at Blackjack and play it safe at the same time! -- Viktor Nacht's site with resident expert Don Schlesinger.
Arnold Snyder's Blackjack Forum -- Arnold Snyder's Blackjack Forum Online and the Blackjack Forum Gambling Library, with free articles, software, and information from professional gamblers on how to make money gambling.
BJ 21 -- Casino advantage play at blackjack and other games.
BJ Math -- A site devoted to the mathematics of Blackjack. -- Online access to thousands of blackjack card counting simulations and probabilities. -- Explores the mathematics of blackjack. Learn the strategies of the game. Play blackjack for free or for money.
Blackjack at -- Online blackjack information and resources.
Blackjack In Color -- How Blackjack Works and How Card Counting Works by Norm Wattenberger. In charts and graphs; see the inner workings of Blackjack in detail.
Blackjack Info -- Get a free blackjack strategy chart for any set of blackjack rules! Find the rules of blackjack, practice blackjack on the free blackjack strategy trainer, and learn about card counting in blackjack.
Blackjack Insider Newsletter -- Blackjack newsletter, store, and advice column including expert blackjack strategy, tips and current playing conditions.
Blackjack Review Network -- The premier online blackjack, poker, and gambling information site for advantage players and card counters. Forums, chat rooms, rules and conditions, archives, free links and a full product catalog for the serious players! -- Eliot Jacobson's message boards and articles.
Online Blackjack -- Play blackjack online at the leading internet casinos. - your blackjack and online casinos guide.

Poker Resources:
Amarillo Slim -- The official site of Amarillo Slim Preston, the worlds greatest gambler!
Play Winning Poker -- How to win at poker online or in casino cardrooms. Learn poker strategy to play winning poker.
Poker FAQ -- The title says it all.
Poker Index -- An ambitious effort to index the entire world of poker.
Poker Listings - Play Texas Holdem Poker Online! -- is the leading online poker guide, featuring the world's largest poker directory, reviews on all poker rooms, top lists of best poker games and poker rules. Find where to play poker online in our daily free roll schedules!
Poker Portal -- An amazing collection of poker links.
Poker School Online -- Your online poker guide. Learn poker from the pros. Strategy, odds, and tips for holdem and other games.
Poker News Daily -- Visit Poker News Daily for the latest poker news.

Should you know of any other quality sites (related to gambling, cheating, or fraud) that you think should be included on this list, please feel free
to contact us and let us know. But please keep in mind that we will not consider listing any sites that simply
spam the internet in an attempt to obtain a higher search engine page rank.