advertising rates
advertising policies
We offer various advertising options on our site. The premium ad placement will be on our home page, which will
also carry the highest advertising rates. We also offer level 2 ad placement, on inside pages, as well as random banner rotations, at a lower
Please review our advertising rates for details and feel free to contact us.
Advertising Rates
Our standard advertising rates are listed below. However, we offer a standard 20% discount for customers that pre-buy 6 month (or more) in
Please note: All advertising rates are subject to change in the future.

Level 1 "premium" home page ad placement:
Our premium ad placement is on our home page. Please note that
ad placement on the home page is very limited and that we cannot
clutter our home page with too many ads. For this reasons we will
work on first-come, first-serve basis.

OPTION 1: home page text-link ad
Ad includes a maximum of 2 lines of anchor text; both lines
must link to same site.
cost: $25 per month
OPTION 2: home page text-link ad with description
Ad includes a maximum of 2 lines of anchor text (as above), plus a maximum of 3 lines of descriptive text.
cost: $35 per month
OPTION 3: home page text-link ad with description and 2 URLs
Ad is the same as above, plus an additional URL inside of the description text. The additional URL can point to a different page, but
it must be on the same site as the URL in the title.
cost: $45 per month

Level 2 ad placement:
This ad placement is for any page, except the home page, but the ad formats are the same as already described above. You may choose a page
of your choice and contact us with a request.

OPTION 4: text-link ad
Ad includes a maximum of 2 lines of anchor text; both lines
must link to same site.
cost: $15 per month
OPTION 5: text-link ad with description
Ad includes a maximum of 2 lines of anchor text (as above), plus a maximum of 3 lines of descriptive text.
cost: $20 per month
OPTION 6: text-link ad with description and 2 URLs
Ad is the same as above, plus an additional URL inside of the description text. The additional URL can point to a different page, but
it must be on the same site as the URL in the title.
cost: $25 per month

Random banner rotation ads:

OPTION 7: 468x60 graphic banner random rotation
A graphic banner rotation shows up on every page of our site,
randomly, from a selection of banners. The benefit is that
these ads show up on every page. This is the best option for
clients whose priority it is to attract organic visitors,
by flashing an eye-catching graphic banner.

cost: $15 per month

Should you have the wish to place an ad on our site please feel
free to contact us.