foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner of
their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats
postscript |

The Purse Trick
If we search the purlieus of the race-course, we are sure to find
the 'purse trick' well in evidence. A good many people seem to get
a living at it, yet there is not much mystery connected with it.
Its accomplishment rests purely on sleight of hand. We are all familiar
with the purse purporting to contain a half-crown and a shilling
which the salesman offers to dispose of for the modest amount of
sixpence or so. It is extraordinary, however, how few know wherein
the trick lies. For the benefit of those who are unacquainted with
it, the following short description is given.
The man throws a half-crown and a shilling into a two-penny purse, and the price demanded for the whole may vary from sixpence to eighteenpence, according to circumstances. Sometimes the purse, when purchased, is found to contain the actual amount ostensibly put into it. 'Springes to catch woodcocks!' The purchaser is a confederate. In the event of a stranger buying it, the contents will prove to be a penny and a halfpenny. The operator really throws the half-crown and shilling into the purse several times; turning them out again into his hand, to show the genuineness of the transaction. Or, he may spin them in the air, and catch them in the purse by way of variety. But when the time for selling arrives, although he does not appear to have changed his tactics in the least, the transmutation of metals becomes an accomplished fact, silver is converted to bronze.
The man has a money-bag slung in front of him, into which he is continually dipping his hand, for the purpose of taking out or returning
the coins. This bag seems to contain only silver, but there is a vein of baser metal underlying the nobler. Therefore, in taking out a half-crown,
nothing is easier than for the man to palm a penny at the same time. This being done, it is the penny which goes into the purse, and the half-crown
is transferred, for the moment, to his palm; but only for the moment. It is dropped, immediately, into the bag; so that, by the time that
his hand has fallen to his side, it is empty. That is one dodge. Another is to take the half-crown and penny together in the fingers, the
penny underlying the half-crown, concealed from view. Then the penny is dropped and the half-crown palmed as before. Again, the half-crown
and shilling being really in the purse, the man will take them out with his fingers, apparently for the purpose of showing them to the multitude,
at the same time introducing into the purse three halfpence which he has held concealed. Then he appears to throw the silver coins quickly
into the purse, but in reality he palms them, the sound made by the coins in falling being counterfeited by chinking the coppers which the
purse already contains. A variation upon this trick is sometimes performed with a piece of paper in which is screwed up some article of cheap
jewelry, and into which the coins are supposed to be thrown, as in the purse trick. These men adopt various methods of explaining their reasons
for selling so much money at so cheap a rate, one of the most common being that someone has laid a wager that the public are too skeptical
to buy money offered in that manner. Well, such a wager would be a tolerably safe one; for, as a rule, the public are only skeptical concerning
those things which are genuine. It is probably because the purse-trick is not genuine that the tricksters find purchasers. It is always the
swindle which takes best with the public. Certainly, anyone who is taken in over this trick deserves to be.