foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner
of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats

The Stripper Plate

FIG. 45
The most primitive appliance used for the purpose is what is now
known as a 'stripper-plate.' It consists of two steel bars, bolted
together at each end, the length between the bolts being ample to
allow a playing-card to be inserted lengthwise between the bars,
and screwed up tightly. Fig. 45 illustrates a device of this kind,
with a card in situ, ready for cutting. Across the centre
of the top plate a slight groove is filed, to facilitate the insertion
of the card in a truly central position. The edges of the two plates
or bars are perfectly smooth, and are formed so as to give the required
curve to the card when cut. In the illustration, the side of the
card when cut would become concave. The cutting is managed by simply
running a sharp knife or razor along the side of the arrangement.
This takes off a thin shred of the card, and, guided by the steel
plates, the cut is clean and the edge of the card is in no danger
of becoming jagged.
There is another type of device designed to
make the same kind of "concave" strippers, called "N"
strippers, or negative stripper (also sometimes called "in"
strippers). That other device is not yet too widely exposed, so
at this time no images will be offered here. However, the device
is somewhat easier to use than the stripper plate and produces finer
work, because no cutting is involved.
Also, it should be noted that stripper decks can be made with very simple (almost improvised) tools. Even making cards
on the fly, in the course of a live game, is a possibility, if one knows how. But the secret to that technique will not be exposed here. The
secret, of course, is very simple.