foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner
of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats

Crooked Deals
Anyone aspiring to become a card mechanic has
an overabundance of crooked dealing techniques available, to choose
from. However, Maskelyne only reveals the two of the most basic
crooked dealing techniques: the bottom deal and the second deal.
The Bottom Deal
To begin, then, with the oldest and most simple manipulations,
our first topic is that of the 'Bottom Deal.' This trick, simple
as it is, is the very stronghold of the common English sharp. In
whatever game he is playing, he seizes the opportunity afforded
by picking up the cards preparatory to dealing to place certain
cards which would form a good hand at the bottom of the pack, and
in shuffling he takes good care not to disturb them. But there is
still the 'cut' to be thought about. Well, we shall see later on
how the effects of the cut are to be obviated. In the meantime,
however, it is evident that if the cards were cut and piled in the
ordinary manner, those cards which the sharp had so carefully preserved
at the bottom would be brought to the centre. That would never answer
his purpose; so, when the cut has been made, if the game is one
which does not necessitate the dealing out of the entire pack, he
simply takes up the bottom half of the pack, leaving the other on
the table. Then, holding the cards as in fig. 35, he proceeds to
deal. From this point the trick, as its name suggests, consists
of dealing the bottom cards, either to himself or, preferably, to
a confederate, in place of the upper cards which should justly fall
to that hand.

FIG. 35 -- Bottom Deal
From the position in which the cards are held it will be seen that,
as each card is dealt, the finger and thumb of the dealer's right
hand fall respectively below and above the pack. It is, therefore,
entirely optional whether he shall take the top card with his thumb,
or the bottom one with his finger. When a card has to be dealt,
then, to himself or to his confederate, as the case may be, it is
the bottom one which is taken; to the other players the top ones
are dealt out. When quickly done, it is impossible to see whether
the card comes from the top or the bottom, although the manner of
holding and dealing the cards would imply that the bottom deal was
being resorted to: the cards which come from the bottom, being pulled
upwards, appear to come from the top. It can always be detected,
nevertheless, by the different sound made by a card when brought
from the bottom. There is just a slight click, which is distinctly
audible, and easily recognized. The reader should try it for himself,
and note the effect referred to. After a few minutes' experience
he would never afterwards be mistaken in deciding as to whether
a card was dealt from the top or bottom of the pack. A sharp who
uses the bottom deal rarely employs any other form of manipulation
The standard countermeasure against the bottom
deal is the use of a cut card. A cut card is a plastic card that
is kept at the bottom of the deck, during the distribution of the
cards, to prevent dealing from bottom. Although this is a good way
to protect a poker game against bottom dealing, it should be noted
that a cut card does not provide absolute protection. There is a
method of dealing cards from the bottom of the deck, even when a
cut card is in use. That type of crooked deal is called the Greek
deal, and is essentially a technique of dealing the second card
from the bottom of the deck.
The Second Deal
The second deal is considered to be a cheating
technique used by highly skilled professional card cheats. Interestingly
enough, a basic second dealing technique is easier to learn than
a basic bottom deal. But learning the mechanics of a move does not
make a person capable of cheating in a live card game. For a second
deal to be used effectively, the mechanic needs to master several
other skills.
We now pass on to the trick known as 'Dealing Seconds.' The trick
is so named because it consists' of dealing out the second card
from the top instead of the top one. It is particularly useful in
connection with marked cards, where of course the top card can be
read, and very often the second one also.1 The effect
in this case is that the sharp can always retain the better of the
two top cards for himself. Suppose, then, there are four players.
The sharp, commencing to deal, notices that the top card is a knave,
whilst the second is a three. He therefore deals the second card
to the player immediately to his left. It may then appear that the
second card now is a king; and, consequently, the sharp deals the
top card to the second hand, leaving the king on top. If the card
which is now second in the pack is lower than the king, the third
player receives that card; but if the second should prove to be
an ace, the king goes to the third player, and the ace to the sharp
himself. It may happen, however, that the sharp, having dealt round
to the three players in this manner, finds that the second of the
remaining cards is of more value to him than the first. In that
case, of course, he would deal himself the second. Thus it is seen
that the sharp has really had a choice of five cards on one round
of the deal; and the larger the number of players, the greater his
choice, although he may at times have to choose between two cards
which would answer his purpose equally well. If he is thus compelled
to give away a good card he should dispose of it where it is likely
to do him least harm, if he can contrive to do so. Besides marked
cards, there are other methods of discovering the value of the top
card and, consequently, the advisability of dealing seconds, as
we shall see presently.
The trick of dealing the second card is very easily learned. Take
a pack of cards in your left hand, in the manner usually adopted
in dealing, with the thumb lying across the middle of the pack.
Then with the thumb advance the two top cards slightly to the right.
This being done, it will be found that these two cards can be taken
between the thumb and middle finger. With the second held by the
tip of the middle finger, advance the top card a little further
to the right. The cards will now be in a position frequently adopted
in dealing, the top card being sufficiently forward to be grasped
by the right finger and thumb. So far, there is nothing unusual
in the operations; but this is where the trick comes in. If the
middle finger of the hand holding the cards is advanced, the second
card, resting upon its tip, will be advanced also; and if at the
same time the thumb is drawn back, the top card is withdrawn with
it. It is now the second card which is the more advanced of the
two, and consequently the card which would be taken by the right
hand in dealing. In fact, the two cards can be rubbed together by
the finger and thumb, alternately advancing and receding. If the
second card is to be dealt, then it is pushed forward and the top
one is drawn back, the movement being masked by a slight dropping
of the arm towards the operator. Of course the change in the position
of the cards is -not made until the instant the right hand reaches
the pack to take the card. Thus the entire operation appears to
consist of one movement only. An expert 'second dealer' will place
a known card on top of the pack and deal the whole of the other
cards from beneath it, leaving that card in his hands at the finish;
and this without any manipulation being visible to any but the sharpest
The utility of the second-dealing method of procedure, it is evident,
depends greatly upon the fact of having a knowledge of the top card.
With marked cards the acquiring of this knowledge can present no
difficulty, and even with genuine ones the difficulty is by no means
insuperable. All that is necessary is to reach over to the left,
keeping the cards in front of one, with the top card drawn off a
little to one side, so as to have the index in the corner visible
from below, and a sly peep will do the trick. There are innumerable
excuses available to account for the reaching over, as we have already
seen in the case of the cuff holdout. Given the fact that there
is something to the left of the operator which must be reached with
the right hand, the rest is easy. The act of leaning to one side
effectually covers the slight tilting of the left hand which enables
the under side of the cards to be seen. There used to be an old
American colonel (the numerical strength of officers in the American
army must have been extraordinary at some time or another) at one
of the best London clubs who was very partial to the use of this
trick. He would lay his cigar upon the table, well over to his left,
and then, bending down to get it, he would note both top and bottom
cards, in the manner described. Simple as this dodge may be, it
is unquestionably of great service at times. Take, for instance,
the case of the dealer at Poker. After he has dealt the cards, but
before giving off the draft, he leans over to pick up his hand,
and in so doing sees the 'size' of the top card of the 'deck.' Upon
inspecting his hand, he can tell whether the top card will be of
use to him or not. If it is, he can easily hold it back until he
can take it for himself; if not, he very generously lets someone
else have it.
For the benefit of those who may not know the game of Poker, and
in England there are many who do not, I may illustrate the great
utility of knowing the top and bottom cards by a reference to the
results attainable by such means in the familiar game of Nap. Suppose
that you are playing a single-handed game, and it is your turn to
deal. You note the top and bottom cards. If they happen to be decent
ones, both of the same suit, you hold back the top card, and give
your opponent the second. The top one then comes to you. You now
give your opponent the card next in order, and deal the bottom one
to yourself. The rest of the cards may be left to chance, until
the five are dealt out to each hand. The consequence of this manœuvre
is as follows. You are sure of having two good cards of one suit,
and it is about an even chance that among the other three will be
another of the same kind. Therefore, you are pretty certain of a
long suit to lead from. Your chances, therefore, are a long way
better than your opponent's. If, however, on the other hand, you
find that the top and bottom cards are small ones, and of different
suits, you may make your opponent a present of them. They may of
course prove useful to him; but the chances are that they do not.
But, whatever happens, you know the value of two cards out of his
five; a fact which may have considerable influence upon the result
of the hand, as all 'Nappists' will admit. Necessarily there is
nothing of real certainty about this achievement; but, still, the
player who knows the top and bottom cards, even though he is not
skilful enough to dispose of them to the best advantage, gathers
in a goodly proportion of the chances of the game which do not belong
to him by right.
The idea of employing the second deal as well as the bottom deal on the same round (as described above) is, to put it
mildly, far fetched. The idea becomes even more far fetched if one consider the fact that most card mechanics employ a totally different grip
for the bottom deal, than for second dealing. But we can never completely dismiss the idea that anything is possible (and weirder things have
been known to happen around card tables). If we also take into account the fact that Maskelyne regarded manipulators as the low-level cardsharps,
then we can see why he may have reached that opinion, if the only manipulators Maskelyne encountered were of the kind that would employ such