foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats

§ C -- Marking by dot and puncture
The main outlines of this method will be understood from what has
already been said. If the unglazed spots are represented by minute
dots, the principle is practically the same. The only difference
is in connection with marking by puncture. In this case the mark
is made by pricking the card with a very fine needle upon its face.
This raises a minute point or 'burr' upon the back, which can be
detected by passing the thumb across the back of the card whilst

FIG. 4 -- Divisions indicating
suit and value
If a plate of metal the size of a playing-card is divided at each
end into parallelograms, after the manner shown in fig. 4, these
divisions will represent the positions occupied by the puncture
or dot in representing the various suits and values. A small hole
being drilled in the centre of each parallelogram, the plate will
serve for a 'template' by means of which the cards may be pierced
in the correct places. The plate is laid upon the face of the card,
and a fine needle is pricked through the proper hole, just far enough
to raise the necessary projection on the back of the card. One point
at each end, then, will serve to mark all the cards of a picquet
pack. If those cards which are lower than seven have to be marked,
two points may be taken. For instance, a point in the top left-hand
corner, together with one three divisions further to the right,
will indicate the six of clubs. A point in the second space on the
same line, with one in the fifth space, will represent the five
of clubs, and so on. This is a very good system of marking for many
purposes. It takes only a short time to mark the whole pack; the
marks are invisible, and will escape the 1 closest scrutiny. But
great practice is necessary to render the touch sufficiently acute,
and the perception of the small differences sufficiently delicate,
to read the marks with precision.
Another method whereby a single dot is made to represent both suit
and value of any card is illustrated in fig. 5. In every ornamental
back almost, there is
some portion of the pattern which is more or less of a fan-shaped
or radial design. If this should happen to contain thirteen divisions,
nothing is easier than to assign to each one a value, and thus the
entire suit is represented by merely varying the position of the
dot. The suit is given by placing the dot nearer or farther from
the centre. Fig. 5 is a diagram which illustrates this method in
its simplest form. A dot placed outside the periphery of the design
stands for 'spades,' one just inside for 'hearts,' half-way between
the two lines for diamonds,'and close to the inner circle it means
'clubs.' The value or 'size,' as it is called, is shown by the radial
line, opposite which the mark is placed. Having followed this explanation,
the reader will at once perceive that the dot marked a (fig. 5)
represents the two of diamonds.
FIG. 5
Of course it frequently happens that there is no part of the pattern which contains thirteen divisions. Then, either more than one design
must be used, or the form of the mark must be varied. Supposing there are only six divisions available for the purpose, the six highest cards
can be indicated by a dot, the six next in order by a small dash, and the last by a minute cross.