foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner
of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats

The Crooked Nature of Gamblers
Please note that the above sub-heading, The
Crooked Nature of Gamblers, is not part of the original text. It
has been added here simply to organize the text into separate web
There is only one course to pursue of which it can be said that
it is absolutely safe. It is an extremely objectionable one, no
doubt; but we are speaking, just now, of absolute safety. There
is nothing for it but to suspect your best friend, if he is a gambler.
The desire for gain affects equally the high and the low. The instinct
of theft is rife alike in rich and poor. To use a colloquialism,
all are tarred with the same brush. The only difference is that
what is called stealing in the poor starving wretch who takes a
loaf, to save the parish the expense of a funeral, becomes, in the
case of his more fortunate and richer fellow-sinner, merely a little
intellectual peculiarity, which is dignified with the name of kleptomania.
The poor man envies the rich man his wealth; the rich man envies
the poor man his solitary ewe lamb. Instances of this kind have
never been wanting at any time in the world's history, and even
in matters of everyday life; but once a man becomes a gambler, there
is every prospect that his desire for gain will eventually overmaster
all the finer feelings of his nature. You doubt it? Well, search
the columns of your newspaper, and every day you shall find at least
one case where some foolish fellow has stolen property, or money,
entrusted to his care, and has devoted the proceeds of his theft
to gambling purposes. There is every reason in the world for suspecting
anyone of dishonesty who is found to have taken to gambling. If
it is not so, then all history lies, and past experience counts
for nothing.
Closely allied to the subject of conspiracy is that of the maintenance
of places in which gambling is systematically carried on, in defiance
of the law, and in spite of the utmost watchfulness of the police.
It is true that one of the most familiar head-lines upon the newspaper
placards is: 'Raid on a Club! The accused at Bow Street.' Every
week our attention is attracted by some announcement of that kind,
made in letters six inches high. But we hardly ever give the matter
a second thought; the whole thing is too common an occurrence. Yet
not one tithe of these gambling-dens is ferreted out. Crushed here
to day, they spring up there to-morrow. They are perennial. Like
the phoenix, they arise from their own ashes but under another name.
And where the players are to be found, there will the sharps be
gathered together. That is a thing which goes without saying, and
is open to no manner of doubt.
In these cases, of course, both sharps and flats are drawn together
by one common bond of union that of defeating the aim of the law
for the suppression of gaming-houses. The dupe merely sees in the
efforts of the Government to protect him from the consequences of
his folly an unwarrantable interference with the liberty of the
subject. Therefore, he conspires with the sharp to run counter to
the law, and thus plays right into the hands of his natural enemy.
That he suffers in consequence is no one's fault but his own; unfortunately,
it is not he alone who suffers. Those who are nearest, and should
be dearest, to him are those who suffer most.
The devices resorted to by the occupants of clandestine gaming-houses
in order to conceal all traces of the appliances used for the purpose
of gambling would fill many volumes in their description, but as
they do not form part and parcel of our subject we cannot enter
into an account of them. Probably one of the most ingenious ideas
ever conceived for the immediate removal of all signs of gaming
apparatus in the event of a police raid, was that which was actually
utilized at a so-called club a good many years ago. The plan was
briefly this. Upon the fire in the card-room a large kettle of water
was kept constantly boiling, ostensibly for the purpose of diluting
the ardent liquors imbibed by the members. The whole of the gaming
utensils, dice-boxes and everything else, were made of one of the
alloys known as fusible metals, which melt at a lower temperature
than boiling water. An alloy of bismuth, tin, lead and cadmium can
be made to melt at a far lower temperature than that of boiling
water. In the event of a raid being made upon the club, then, the
whole of the appliances were put into the kettle, where they at
once melted, and even though any one looked in the kettle during
the search there was nothing to be seen.
It is in places of this kind where collusion and conspiracy are most rampant. Those who have the ability to devise methods of cheating the
police may well be supposed to have sufficient ingenuity to cheat the players. Those who must gamble, therefore, should be very wary when
they entrust themselves and their money to the tender mercies of the society encountered at such resorts. With this word of caution we will
bring the present chapter to a conclusion.