foreword to the online edition
I. introductory
II. common sharpers and their tricks
III. marked cards and the manner
of their employment
IV. reflectors
V. holdouts
VI. manipulation
VII. collusion and conspiracy
VIII. the game of faro
IX. prepared cards
X. dice
XI. high ball poker
XII. roulette and allied games
XIII. sporting houses
XIV. sharps and flats

Collusion in Poker
The most common method of cheating at poker in clubs and private
houses alike, but particularly in good society, is one which is
accomplished by means of collusion, and in connection with that
process of the game known as 'raising out.'
In poker, the bets of the players are raised in rotation around
the table, and the players who wish to remain 'in' that is to say,
those who do not wish to forfeit what they have already staked must
all have equal stakes in the pool. Now, unless a man has a particularly
good hand he is not disposed to risk too much upon its chance of
winning; consequently, when the stakes have risen to a certain amount,
he will stand out rather than go beyond what he has already risked.
Two men, then, in secret partnership, upon sitting down to play,
will contrive to get the man with most money, or the best player
(their greatest antagonist) between them. Therefore, if these two
men systematically raise their bets, whether they have good hands
or not, they must eventually reach the point at which the other
players will 'go out.' If the man between them wishes to remain
in, he must make good, or, in other words, bring his stakes up to
an amount equal to those of the conspirators. This he may do for
some time, but sooner or later the game will become 'too hot' for
him and he will go out. He is between two fires, and stands no chance
whatever. Then, everyone else having gone out, the game is in the
hands of the two sharps, and they can finish it in any way they
think best. They may keep on raising each other for a time, until
at last one of them refuses to stake another 'chip,' and throws
away his hand, and then the other simply takes the pool. Or one
of them may 'call' the other, and upon seeing the hand may throw
his own away without showing it, the inference being that it is
not so good as that of his supposed antagonist. There is really
no need for the other players to see either of the hands. They cannot
be called, because one or the other of them is always raising his
stakes, and until the stakes are made good without anyone raising,
the call is not complete and no hands are shown. Then, when all
the other players are 'raised out,' there is nobody left to call
upon them to show their hands. At the end of the evening, of course,
they divide the spoil.
These things may all appear to be very simple, but they are extremely
difficult of detection by outsiders. Indeed, it is the very simplicity
of collusion that constitutes the great charm of its employment,
and the great safeguard against its detection. Unlike manipulation,
it can be accomplished by anyone and gives far less indication of
its existence. The only drawback to it is that where there is a
conspiracy there is always a chance of rogues falling out, and honest
men being put in possession of the truth.
In his opening paragraph in the chapter manipulation,
Maskelyne states that the cardsharps who reply on manipulations
are low-level cheats. Further down he relays a story in which a
seasoned cardsharp tells his apprentice that the best card cheats
play in secret partnerships. So, according to Maskelyne (and the
mysterious cardsharp he is quoting) the best card cheats get the
job done by working in collusion, and those that use sleight-of-hand
are just low-level crooks. Interestingly enough, the poker collusion
scenario described above is by any standard, amateurish. By all
means, collusion can be sophisticated. But there is nothing in the
above-mentioned poker collusion scenario that can even approach
the category of sophisticated scams, by any stretch of the imagination.
In every kind of game, and in every department of trickery, collusion
has been utilized as a ready means of arriving at the consummation
of the sharp's desires. It is seldom, indeed, that a scheme of any
magnitude is devised without more than one person concerned in it;
and the accomplices have assumed every kind of guise, tinkers, tailors,
soldiers, sailors, waiters, club-porters, card-canvassers, and even
officers of justice. There is no end to the disguises in which these
individuals have appeared, and apparently no limit to their ingenuity.
One of the most immense frauds ever perpetrated in connection with sharping, and in which the fewest persons were concerned, was that recorded
by Houdin. At the outset it was entirely conceived and executed by one sharp alone, although another took part in it at a later stage, much
to the disappointment of the original promoter of the scheme. As this incident is of interest, and exhibits in a striking manner the possibilities
of cheating which exist at all times and in all places, the reader shall have the benefit of its perusal. Although the events happened many
years ago, the story is not very well known, and is well worthy of retelling.